Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Real Limited Edition DP boards

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
$99 monkdeth completes
Thursday, December 2, 2010
busy - no time to write
Friday, October 22, 2010
Legoman and other rants......
New Monkdeth sketchy legoman tees -
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Punks for a Princess 2010 - shows in review.
This past labor day weekend was the 3rd Annual Punks for a Princess series of shows in Memory of Kaitlyn Ferra. This year the proceeds will benefit “A wish come true” and I believe the total raised was around $4200.
The punk rock - hardcore scene has always been one that gives a helping hand and I always enjoy seeing hardworking bands give their time and energy to worthy causes such as this. Tony and Misty go through a great deal organizing this event and it is great to see how much support they get from local bands as well as others from our neighboring states. All of the bands that played are did an excellent job and I encourage my blog readers to check them out on the internet and most definitely see them play at their next gig.
The highlights of the show from my perspective –
Friday – Club Hell
The Frenzy of Tongs – these guys are a GREAT live performance – SEE THEM!
Saturday – Beachcomber Matinee ( I couldn’t stay for the night portion)
The Rare Characters with Lenny Lashley ( to quote Lenny – they play this song better than me – referring to “I hate the unseen”)
Barroom Heroes – Young kids on the Move – keep your eye on them!!!
Sunday – Club Hell
World War IX – guys from
For What its Worth – always a good time.
Like I said all of the bands did great and a big thanks to them for the time and effort. Thanks to Punks for a Princess for all that they do, www.punksforaprincess.com and pick up a shirt and compilation and show your support!!!
Hope to see you blog readers at the Murphy’s Law gig at Club Hell Oct 8th!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Got my official THoZ wakeskate
Friday, July 16, 2010
THoZ Wakeskates coming at you!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Six G Wake Skates coming soon
sick skates coming at you............
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
My Manifesto
Skateboarders: Your community has failed you
A call to the skateboarding and BMX youth of North Smithfield: Your community has failed you. Your community does not support you because they feel you do not fit the mold they made for you. However, do you want to be molded like the leaders of this community? These are the same people that either want the town to look as it did 50 years ago, or the people who think by bringing in some big retail store all of our tax problems will go away. None of these people want to create anything.
I call on you to look back in time, study the founders of this great land. How did they succeed? They created something out of nothing. They forged our great nation out of a wilderness that was ungoverned and unexplored.
The creative aspect of mankind is what has always brought him success. It is up to you to do the same to keep skateboarding and BMX alive in your town. Build with wood, concrete, and dirt. Make your own spots. The skills you learn in doing so will be just as fun as the tricks you will perform on the spots when you are done. You will also be learning self-reliance, something often forgotten in today's modern world where people are expecting their government to take care of them. Defy the community that is letting you down, show them that they cannot take away your fun by removing concrete forms and locking them away.
Walter Pierowski
North Smithfield
Skateboard park loss unfortunate
Skateboard park loss unfortunate
I was shocked to read the April 15 Valley Breeze and learn that the town skatepark is being dismantled. However based on my experience with the town not being supportive of it, it should have come as no surprise. I have enjoyed this park in the past and have had brought professional skateboarders to this very park.
From the beginning this park was doomed; look at the concrete used to fill the transitions to the asphalt. Kids pour better concrete in remote spots in Providence. Then the absurd helmet rule, is this the only town in the Ocean State with one? I know Hudson, Mass. has a pad rule, however they have a 9-foot bowl. The town criminalizes kids who are trying to have a little fun.
Also, when holding past events, I found that other towns were much more receptive than my own town. Such a shame.
Without seeing the insurance agents report or knowing how much it adds to the town insurance, I may be making misguided claims. I also do not know how much of an effort it takes the parks department to clean, 2-3 hours, is that per day, per week? How does it compare to taking care of the baseball fields and playground? I am also sure that by removing the skatepark the vandalism won't magically disappear. Maybe we should move the playground and baseball fields over to the police station as well.
As a past owner of a retail store involved in skateboarding, I know that many parents in the area enjoyed the North Smithfield Skateboard Park. The location is not isolated as stated in the article, it is wide open and many parents felt their children were safe and visible. They commented on how well kept the park was, how it was safe with the fences, and open for them to see if they were across at the playground.
I would be willing to do what I can to make sure the town offers a skateboard park to the skateboarders of the town.
Walter Pierowski
North Smithfield
Friday, April 16, 2010
My town is failing its youth......
Skateboard park may not be gone forever
By Brenna McCabe, Valley Breeze Staff Writer
NORTH SMITHFIELD - The removal of the skateboard park at Pacheco Park adjacent to Main Street has members of the community upset, but Parks and Recreation Director Raymond Pendergast said further evaluation is needed to address safety and the vandalism that has been taking place at the park.
"We've been having problems since it was installed in 2000," he told The Breeze last week. "We're actually required to inspect it as a condition of the insurance policy we have with the Interlocal Trust."
After an insurance representative inspected the park last month, it was clear it wasn't going to let the department "continue with business as usual," he said.
Pendergast brought up the insurance group's concerns to the Town Council at its last meeting, and councilors voted unanimously to dismantle the skate park until further notice.
"I really think this is more than just a skateboard park issue," Town Administrator Paulette Hamilton said. "I think this sheds light on a bigger issue - there's nothing to do in this town for kids."
She said she would not be so presumptuous to "know what kids want," but said kids need an outlet for safe, drug-free activities. In response to the council's decision, Hamilton is attempting to create a focus group with parents, children, and representatives from the Substance Abuse Task Force to discuss options for the skateboard park. Ten years ago, it was the Substance Abuse Task Force that donated a bulk of the $20,000 to install the park in the first place.
"Ideally, if this was a perfect world, there would be people in our parks to constantly oversee activities to make sure everything is running as smooth as possible," she said, "but we just don't have the opportunity or manpower. There's been an awful lot of vandalism, trashing of the park and broken bottles in the parking lots. We have to turn it around so we can do this correctly."
Pendergast is collecting data for a report to assist in the evaluation of the skate park, which will include past violations of park rules, police reports and documented time his department has spent either repairing damages or cleaning the park.
"Our personnel spends two to three hours when they're down there," he said. "We can't keep doing that."
Few children lingered near the old skateboard park in the afternoon hours last week, but there were still a handful on bikes and skateboards swerving around the parking lot.
Nick Franke, 12, said he was disappointed the town took the park away.
"We never thought they'd do that," he said. "This is really the only fun place older kids get to hang out. We're not going to use the playground anymore. We're too old for that."
Franke said on an average day, there would be between 20 and 25 people between the ages of 12 and 21 hanging out at the park and using the skate ramps after school.
The park drew a crowd from as far away as Milford, with "not much else to do in the area," 20-year-old Joe Vario of Milford said.
Vario admitted most of the kids using the skate park broke ramp rules, refusing to wear helmets.
"There were a lot of cops cracking down on that last year," he said, "but lately, there haven't been too many around and kids just don't want to wear helmets."
Pendergast, also the director of Public Works, said he believes a solution might be to move the skateboard park to a place that is more visible. If the park wasn't so isolated, he added, there would be less of a chance kids would violate the town's skateboard park rules and damage town property, which under its insurance agreement, it is obligated to repair each time damage is recorded to ensure safety.
"Someone is going to have to try to convince me otherwise, but when you have an unsecured program, i.e. the skateboard park, there's no monitoring or supervision," he said. "It's in an isolated park. God forbid one of those kids landed on that fence."
Pendergast said the council might consider putting the ramps near an adjacent plot behind the municipal annex next to the police station, as a previous council did before the skateboard ramp was installed in 2000.
He said surveillance cameras are always a suggestion, but the cost affixed to that might be unrealistic with town budgets stretched thin.
"That was one of the suggestions I have, and if the council wants to insert some extra money when the location is chosen, then they can do that. It's their decision," he said.
Valley Breeze April 15th 2010 http://www.breezeobserver.com/Free/MAIN-NOS-skate-park
Friday, April 9, 2010
Monkdeth Raffle Tonight
Check out soul drive at Rosies Tonight April 9th at Rosies in Warwick!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
brief update as we wash into spring
with the warmer weather we will say goodbye to the snowskate season and push onto the wake skate season......
On Friday March 19th, the Icon Classic will be at Wachusset mountain from 4pm on - for more information please check out http://www.iconsnowskates.com/
keep checking back as we make updates to the various websites - - - - we are starting by coming out with a whole new webstore www.skatersville.com - in the meantime links for our current webstore and ebay specials will be posted so you can get the latest goods.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
need some fresh local snow
The Count was in town this past weekend making it a blast as usual.
still moving lots of great leftover inventory on ebay and our webstore - check it out and save!