Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Punks for a Princess 2010 - shows in review.
This past labor day weekend was the 3rd Annual Punks for a Princess series of shows in Memory of Kaitlyn Ferra. This year the proceeds will benefit “A wish come true” and I believe the total raised was around $4200.
The punk rock - hardcore scene has always been one that gives a helping hand and I always enjoy seeing hardworking bands give their time and energy to worthy causes such as this. Tony and Misty go through a great deal organizing this event and it is great to see how much support they get from local bands as well as others from our neighboring states. All of the bands that played are did an excellent job and I encourage my blog readers to check them out on the internet and most definitely see them play at their next gig.
The highlights of the show from my perspective –
Friday – Club Hell
The Frenzy of Tongs – these guys are a GREAT live performance – SEE THEM!
Saturday – Beachcomber Matinee ( I couldn’t stay for the night portion)
The Rare Characters with Lenny Lashley ( to quote Lenny – they play this song better than me – referring to “I hate the unseen”)
Barroom Heroes – Young kids on the Move – keep your eye on them!!!
Sunday – Club Hell
World War IX – guys from
For What its Worth – always a good time.
Like I said all of the bands did great and a big thanks to them for the time and effort. Thanks to Punks for a Princess for all that they do, www.punksforaprincess.com and pick up a shirt and compilation and show your support!!!
Hope to see you blog readers at the Murphy’s Law gig at Club Hell Oct 8th!