Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Real Limited Edition DP boards

To help Duane with some cash form his injury earlier this year - Real put out a limited board with Lance Mountain graphics - Skatersville doesn't have any, but being big supporters of Real and DP wanted to help spread the word, get em while you can!

For more info on the latest from Duance - check out duanepeters.net

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

$99 monkdeth completes

With Venture trucks and Pig Wheels, Reds Bearings and hardware.

Shoot us an email...............

Out of Snowskates - it is a good year for them - attempting to build a monkdeth bi deck for some fun.

Also - Look out for THoZ 2011 softgoods coming at you this winter........

In the meantime with this cold, get your skate on up at Subliminal.....

Happy Birthday to the mna behind THoZ

Happy Birthday Jeremey!

Cake by Sweetcakes Creations - check em out @ www.sweetcakescreations.com

Thursday, December 2, 2010

busy - no time to write

Been trying to do weekly posts.... shipping product daily.... check our ebay for specials....

working on getting some snowskates in - in time for christmas and snow.....

hit us up with some info and will send out a prize pack.....